General Hospital Products (Public) Co., Ltd

We are a leading company in production and distribution of saline or sodium chloride solution products with the international standard certification. For our customers in Thailand and countries in Asia, we produce a variety of high-quality products by our skillful staff and modern machinery with the latest technology. With excellence operations and leading of industrial technology along with the customer-oriented policy, we supply high-quality saline solutions for safe use to customers in Thailand and throughout Asia.
GHP Manufacturer
We are a leading company in production and distribution of saline solutions with the international standard supply to our customers in Thailand and Asia.
With operations excellence, we produce a variety of high-quality products by our skillful staff and modern machinery with the latest technology.

“Leader of production and distribution of saline solutions, medical supplies, and services”
Healthcare logistics: create healthcare products with quality and innovation for sustainable business growth.

1. Produce saline solution products complying with the regulations of laws and international standard in response to public policy on stability and safety uses of saline and medical supply products.
2. With standard, quality and innovation in manufacturing, we maintain our original products development continuously as well as providing new products in both production and services to response to the vision and support expansion of the markets.
3. Ensure our human resources development to support on business competition at present and for the future as well as to keep pace with the changes in technology and global community.
4. Operate business on the principal of corporate governance for fair returns to the interested persons, together with our commitment responsibility towards the communities and environments.

To deliver the best products and services from our company to special customers with our best quality and standard.

Every section works with good attitude and ready for changes, results oriented and acting mindset, in order to achieve the maximum achievement.

Working in teamwork with integrity, determination and dedication for target achievement in the same direction.

เยเนอรัล ฮอสปิตัล โปรดัคส์
ต้นแบบ Social Responsibility – Innovation – Quality ถ้าพูดถึงหลัก
ในการทำธุรกิจแล้ว เชื่อว่าคงมีไม่กี่บริษัทที่ให้ความสำคัญในเรื่องของการ
แต่ในกรณีของ บริษัท เยเนอรัล ฮอสปิตัล โปรดัคส์ จำกัด (มหาชน) หรือ
GHP ผู้ผลิตน้ำยาปราศจากเชื้อ (SterlieProducts) ได้เป็นรายแรกของ
ประเทศไทย ถือเป็นตัวอย่างของการทำธุรกิจที่ตอบแทนสังคมอย่างแท้จริงISO/IEC 17025 : 2017
ISO 13485 : 2016 UKAS
ISO 9001:2015 UKAS
ISO 9001:2015 NAC
HALAL Certificate
Good Storage and Distribution Practices (GSDP) Certificate
GMP Certificate